Water and its Organic compound

Water is an organic compound with the chemical formula H2O. It is transparent, odourless, tasteless and colourless. Without water life is not possible on earth. All living things need water to grow, develop and grow. Its chemical formula H2O , each of its molecules contain one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. The word water comes from the word water. Water is universal solvent, which means it can dissolve many different substances. Water, despite its clarity, includes chemicals and minerals. The "hardness" of water is determined by the concentration of particular minerals. Rainwater is one of the three basic sources of water. Wells and Springs are examples of groundwater. Surface water encompasses various bodies of water such as reservoirs, rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, and tanks.

Two types of Water

  1. Hard Water
  2. Soft Water
Difference between Hard water and Soft water
The amount of calcium and magnesium in water determines its hardness. Higher quantities of these and other minerals make water hard.

Soft water, rather of having higher quantities of calcium and magnesium, has higher levels of sodium, or salt.

Sub-Divisions of Water

. Tap Water

. Mineral Water

. Spring Water

. Sparkling Water

. Distilled Water

. Purified Water

. Flavoured Water

. Alkaline Water

Why is Water important and its uses in our daily lives

Without water life is not possible on earth. All living things need water to grow develop and live on earth. Water is the only source of life. Water is used for drinking, bathing, cooking, washing, gardening etc. Water is the basic necessity for the functioning of life on earth. Without water a person can survive only for three days. Life needs chemical reaction to take place in order to gain energy. 

10 Health benefits of drinking water

. Water makes 85%of blood

. Water makes 75% of muscle

. Water removes wastes

. Water help to absorbs nutrients

. Water helps to convert food into energy

. Water makes 22% of bones

. Moisten oxygen for benefits

. Water prevents dehydration

. It helps to get rid of waste through urinal and sweat

. Water helps human body to sweat

More benefits

Our body needs more water in hot climate to be physically active, when running a fever, have diarrhoea and vomiting. A sports person needs more water to keep himself fit. So, required amount of water is necessary to keep healthy.

Water availability and shortage

Water shortage is a growing problem. There is a great scarcity and insufficient fresh water resources to meet the human needs and environment demands. Reason for the scarcity is increase in population growth. Water scarcity is both natural and human made phenomena. There is enough water in the earth for seven billion people, but it is unevenly distributed, polluted and wasted. Water pollution is caused by the plastics used by humans. These plastics float in the rivers and make the water polluted, Also the plastics get deep into the soil, and stands as barrier for the rain water to get through There are many ways to save water. We get water through abundant rains. This rain water should be saved through rain water harvesting. There are many government projects to save rain water. They are:

 .  Jal Jeevan Mission

.  PM  Krishi Sinchayee yojana

.  Mission Amrit Samovar 

10 Ways to save water

1. Repair a leaking tap

2. Turn of the tap while brushing and shaving

3. Keep the sprinklers off

4. Never water the plants between 9AM TO 5AM

5. Use left water cooking water to water the plants.

6. Use dishwasher, washing machine only for full load.

7. Take shorter showers.

8. Never clean a car using a hose pipe.

9. Install drip irrigation for watering the plants.

10. Never overflow a water tank.


To conclude, Water is necessary to all living organisms on earth. Not only humans, also animals, plants, consume water. Water is a  magical ingredient that sustains life. Water conservation is the practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary usage of water. Water conservation is important because fresh clean water is is a limited source, as a costly one. Everyone should understand the importance of water in everyday life and thus save water. Afterall, water is necessary in everyday life.


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