Steam it ,is from tupperware ultimo family. This product is very useful in the kitchen for steaming vegetables, chicken, fish, corn, kozukatai, puttu.

You can cook any food by steaming it, and its free of oil.
This product consists of two components.
Both the components have holes on the base.These holes allows the steam to escape from the bottom part and pass into the second container.

It has a curved lid with two holes in either side, for the steam to be let out

The lid has a handle in the centre , away from the holes so that it can be easily opened without the steam hitting our hands.


Place a wide mouthed pan, pour two glasses of water.bring it to boil.
Now place the base of steam it.Be sure that the water never exceeds the mark given in the bottom container.

You can line up with washed potatoes.
Now place the second container on top of the bottom one.
You can cook chicken , placing it on a plate. Now close the lid and let it boil for 10 minutes  in medium heat.
After 10 minutes you can find steamed piping hot potatoes and chicken cooked.free of oil.

The steam formed never circulates inside or accumulates in the food.This is because the holes are shaped so that the water formed by steam travels to the lid and drains to the sides and drips into the pan .

This is an useful product.worth buying
Its from Tupperware. You can trust.


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